Saturday, May 30, 2009

Puzzle pieces…

Mommy, Daddy and Jesse started the puzzle earlier this year.

Over Christmas vacation, Mommy cleaned out the room that would be yours. In January, as a family, we chose a crib and dresser from USA Baby. It wasn’t a hard choice because we decided to get the same transitional bed that we bought when we were pregnant with your big brother, Jesse. It’s a crib/toddler/full-sized bed, all in one! Once these items came in, Daddy worked hard assembling the crib and arranging the room to Mommy’s liking.

Another piece of the puzzle was added when we purchased our double stroller. Once you arrive, Mommy and Jesse plan to continue our walks (Mommy needs Jesse to ride and luckily, he still likes to ride) with Luke and Leia, in our beautiful neighborhood. We walk a trail that goes around a lake, where we see mallard ducks, Canadian geese, a swan, turtles, fish, rabbits, beautiful flowers, hear and see different species of birds, etc. There’s a gazebo that Jesse likes to stop in…this is where we see the fish and turtles.

Wonderful friends and family helped with the puzzle by hosting a few baby showers. We were given lots of pretty things for your room, clothes for you to wear, gift cards/money, etc.

Memorial Day weekend is when it seemed like the next to the last piece of the puzzle was added. GaGa visited and helped. Together, we sheeted the crib, washed clothes, gave everything a “home”, and Daddy hung a few shelves on the wall. Jesse brought in many toys to play with while we were busy turning the room into something special. I am pretty certain that Jesse will keep you entertained!

As Mommy hits her 35th week of pregnancy, we are waiting for the last piece of the puzzle…and that is our little Julie!!