Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mommy noticed...

I noticed that my sweet girl has a dimple on her left cheek!

Julie Chappell Blankenship

Saturday, June 27, 2009

My water broke...I think!

We had a great dinner last nigh at Cheeburger, Cheeburger! Hamburger, fries...and yummy desserts!

As usual, I went to bed...soon after Jesse!

When I woke up at all began! Of course, I wasn't sure if my water had broken or not! I questioned myself 10 minutes before waking Rob.

We called the hospital and GaGa, Bah (Grammy was on call), and Marie. No one answered the phone! However, GaGa called us back two minutes later and said she could be out the door in 2-3 minutes!

Rob and I both took showers...and talked to Melanie on Facebook while we waited. I visited the bathroom plenty of times, but wasn't having any other symptoms of being in labor! Dr Rhinehardt (my doctor) was on call...and told us to come in, if I thought my water had brokern. About 3:15am, I started having contractions...which was perfect timimg because GaGa arrived at this time. We were at the hospital by 3:30am.

I almost caved and got the epidural, but my nurse was great--she knew I really wanted to do it natural. The contractions hurt...and I didn't know how long it would be until I finally reached 10cm! So, my nurse gave me other options...and I went with some drugs called Newbane to help ease my pain.

Luckily, things happened fast... Dr. Jefferson came on board at 8am and delivered little Julie at 9:31am!

Mommy was very happy all that was behind her!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

39 weeks

3cm and 80 effaced...I think! It's all a blur...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

38 weeks...

Mommy was disappointed to still be 2cm... :(

But hey, anything can happen! Everyone is cheering for you to come soon!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

37 weeks

Mommy was very happy to be 2cm and 40% effaced!!!