Monday, August 31, 2009


Holy cow, we have a good sleeper!

At 9 weeks old, the little lady expects to be put to bed at a certain time...between 7 and 7:30! She is only waking up once to nurse, or sometimes she's even slept all night!

Mommy likes this!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's all mommy's fault...

Weekend before last, Julie accepted the bippy at GaGa and PaPa's house...since we have been home, it's like she's never had one in her mouth!

This week, we noticed that she's found her hand and that she is using it to soothe herself. One night at dinner, Jesse commented that she was "kissing herself".

Geez, I just had to say something about that older kid who was still sucking her thumb... Didn't I know that my kid would end up doing the exact same thing?

We've asked the caregivers at Minnieland to push the bippy...instead of her self-soothing techniques. Hopefully in time...she will accept the bippy again!

Facial expressions during nursing...

What Mom thinks she is saying...

1) When taking Julie off the breast, she will open her eyes quickly and then close them again, as if to say "I'm not done with that yet!"

2) Julie makes a face as if something she just ate tastes bad. Mommy thinks Julie is crazy because she just devoured as much milk as her little heart desired!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Julie becomes a Cub...

As Mommy returns to work, Julie joins Jesse at Minnieland.

Julie didn't drink very much her first day, but as the week went on, she started to drink more and more.

Monday, August 3, 2009

1 month checkup

Julie is doing great! She weighed 10 pounds, 12 ounces and is 21.5 inches tall. She is in the 75th percentile for weight and 50-75th percentile for height.

Julie received a vaccine booster...of course she cried. Like her big brother, the cry didn't last long.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Compliments from people at the beach...

People were so sweet to my baby girl! haha!

One lady said...that she looks like a tree frog!

And another lady said...that her babies didn't have much hair. She's also tried spiking their hair.

The first lady must have been referring to how alert my little lady is. She opens her eyes really big! And to the second lady, I don't intentionally spike my kid's hair!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Welcome to the Country!

First time at the Chappell farm!