Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Still sleepin'

Pleased to say that the little lady is still sleeping through the night!

What a blessing! Mommy actually wants to stay up later than the kids these days! Daddy and I have been watching the seasons of 24, Mommy's been on the computer looking at photography forums, and trying to start her side photo business!

I've got a great big brother!

Minnieland sent home Julie's first artwork today...mommy will save this. There was also a photo of her in the process of creating her masterpiece.

Mommy commented that we would put the photo on the refrigerator along with Jesse's artwork photos. As soon as we got home, I didn't see the photo anymore. I asked Jesse where it was, and he pointed to the frige.

Bless his heart, he put it up there himself!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

3 months!

Mommy did her best taking Julie's 3 month photos! I hope you like them sweet girl!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Oh, my!

Mommy bought bows! And they are perfect, at least in this not-so-fashioned mommy's eyes!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Julie found her hands....

And I don't mean that she found them with her mouth!

Julie stares at her hands...and while doing so, it makes her eyes cross!

It's a hoot to see!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

New discoveries....

Julie-Boolie is gracing us with plenty of smiles these days!! Once you talk to her, she flashes it right away--it's a wonderful thing to see, especially at 6am in the morning!

Julie found her ears and eyes (she's starting to rub them) when she's tired.

More great news---Jule has slept through the night, four nights in a row! Mommy gives two thumbs up for this accomplishment---at 11 weeks old!

Friday, September 4, 2009

2 month checkup

Julie-Boolie checked out real good!

She is weighing 12 lbs, 3oz (75-90%) and is 23 inches long (75th%). The doctor said she is a tall baby and that she is as round as she is tall!

She received four vaccination shots and also an oral vaccine. Daddy took her to the appointment, so I am not really sure how she did right after all the poking and prodding. However, later that evening was a great one! There wasn't much fussing...and she went to bed at her expected time (7:15)!

What a good baby!!