Monday, November 30, 2009

Haven't had my V-8 today

Or maybe I am just starting to sit up on my own!

Friday, November 27, 2009


Sweet girl knows her name! Now whether she thinks her name is Julie Boolie, or just Julie, we won't know!! :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Julie started blowing raspberries today! If you blow one back at her, she gives the sweetest smile.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

4 month appt

Well, mommy was told to back off on the amount of milk that Julie is getting!! So, we are going from 7oz back down to 5-6oz. Rice and oatmeal cereal is a go...but to take it slow with all other solids (be sure to wait the 4-7 day rule and only offer one ingredient foods).

The little lady is weighing in at 15lbs and 3oz! She is 24.4 inches long. Julie's head is a little on the big side...the doctor is going to keep a watch on it. No special appointment, but will check the size again at her 6 month appointment. Please pray that it's nothing...

Sweet girl got 4 shots...ouch!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Little lady is drinking 6.5 oz bottles...and I am sure that she would be drinking more, if I gave it to her.

Mommy decided it was time...bought some organic bananas and pureed them along with a bit of breastmilk. Let me tell you, Julie gobbled those bananas like she has been eating solids all along!!

I also bought some sweet potatoes...we will try that in a couple days, when it's safe to assume that she has no allergic reaction to the bananas!

Mommy is happy...but at the same time, sad. My baby is growing up!

Banana, banana, peel, peel, banana!

Yummy bananas!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My new trick!

The doctor said that Julie's next trick would be "to roll over". And sure enough, she did it!!

And don't you know, we missed it! We looked at something Jesse was doing for one second, and when we looked at Julie again, she was on her back!!