Sunday, February 28, 2010


From infant car seat to convertible car seat!!!

Just a swingin....

We braved the cold wind and went outside for a little while this afternoon. Jesse wanted to I had Julie in one arm, and was pushing Jesse with the other arm/hand.

Each time that I pushed Jesse, Julie let out the most delightful giggle that I have ever heard! It truly warmed my heart! Now why she thought it was that funny, we will never know!!

I wonder if she will do this next time I push Jesse on the would certainly be a great home video!

Friday, February 26, 2010

1 day shy of 8 months old...

Julie-Boolie waved "bye-bye" today! Well, actually, it was more of a "hi"! At daycare drop-off, Daddy was holding Julie when she waved to her teacher, Miss Princelle. It was very cute!

Yogurt and cottage cheese was introduced to Julie this week! There is still nothing that she has not eaten! She even ate some fruit cocktail!

So, it didn't take her long to figure out the cereal on her high chair tray. She learned how to pick up those little pieces of yummy goodness!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dinner time!

At our last doctor's appointment (6 month checkup back in January), the doctor said that Julie could be getting a 3rd meal when she was 8 months.

Since there were some fresh bananas in the house, mommy decided to see if Julie wanted any to keep her happy while we ate dinner! Sure enough, she loved it! We also had carrots...she liked those too!

A couple nights ago, I put cereal on her highchair tray... She enjoyed playing with the pieces, but didn't know that she could eat them. That suprised me because everything else that she grabs...she takes it straight to her mouth!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Bye-bye & "sitting" up

When we say "bye-bye" and wave, she looks at our hands for the motion, then watches as we mouth the words! I am betting it won't be long before Julie waves, says bye-bye and knows exactly what she is doing!

Julie is doing much better sitting up these days. She grasps and picks up her toys. She enjoys Jumperoo jumping and Exersaucer playing. Julie is loads of fun these days!

And best of all, she is still a great sleeper!!