Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Won't be long now...

In just over a week, Julie has gone from hardly moving to turning 360s while sitting upright, rolling on the floor to get to a toy, and the latest, starting to pull up.

Mommy is glad that she is starting all this, but sad because her baby will soon be on the GO! Guess one good thing out of it, is that I will burn a few extra calories chasing two of them!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mommy finally sees...

A tooth (or two)!!

Julie's bottom teeth have been slowly making their way into existance. As sweet girl opened her mouth this morning, the tooth was all I could see! Ok, it wasn't that big, but you all know what I mean!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Having a girl means...

Getting our first yeast infection :(

Poor Julie...mommy didn't put it together until the daycare worker said that it looked like an infection.

Daddy was able to save the day...and took baby girl to the doctor! Mommy knows what to do when she gets one, but not her 9 month old baby!!

Thanks to Lotrimen (medicine for atletes foot), we have a normal looking bottom again!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

You've got mail...

Thanks to Jennifer Warthan for letting me put my baby in her mailbox!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Julie's first games...

Mommy enjoys putting an article of clothing on Julie's head during a diaper change. Julie gives a warm smile as she removes the clothing. Mommy puts it right back on her head...and repeat! A couple of times, Julie has used the clothing on her own, to play peek-a-boo with me!

I remember the doctor asking if Jesse played Pat-A-Cake at his 9 month appointment and I wasn't sure how to answer because he didn't do this. However, Julie Boolie happily claps as you sing the Pat-A-Cake song!

Also the dance moves are on! Go Julie, Go Julie, Go, Go!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Just keep sleeping...

Julie is still a great sleeper, such a great night sleeper that she slept from 7pm to 9:45am!