Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Guess what baby finally did?!

A Sunday morning photoshoot + Daddy = a few steps

Julie is certainly a good sport in her attempts to walk! She stands up, gets her feet together, takes a step, then falls on her butt. She immediately gets up and repeats the process!!

She took her first steps to Daddy!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Gave Julie banana and grapes this morning before Minnieland. I had to run back upstairs to finish getting ready, so Daddy was downstairs with the kids.

Julie was acting like she wanted more grapes, but then had a fit once Rob picked up the bag of grapes to give her more. He then picked up the banana...and she yelled "Nana!"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Julie-Boolie, please stand up!

Who: Julie-boolie
What: Stands up
When: Minnieland-afternoon pick up
Where: Koala classroom
Why: Well, because she was ready! It was quite obvious that this wasn't her first time doing so! Mommy was talking with Ms Antoinette, then looked back at Julie to find her standing!!!

I give it two weeks; she will be taking her first steps...

Friday, August 13, 2010


Little lady isn't saying much that we can understand, however she is certainly talking!!

Recently, she was sitting outside the toy closet, when she started grunting and pointing! She clearly wanted someone to open the door so that she could play!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

She's trying us....

Julie-boolie loves the bathtub. However, she now likes to stand up... She will sit down when she is told to, but then as soon as you turn your head, she pulls up to stand again (and smiles).

Little stinker....

Monday, August 9, 2010

Water Country USA

We all had a blast at Water Country...even baby, Julie!

Who went: GaGa, Uncle Tom, Amanda, Quincy, Jesse, and Mommy. Daddy joined us in the afternoon after the the first day of band camp was over. PaPa stayed home with Grace who was on an antibiotic where she couldn't be in the sun :(

Julie enjoyed playing on the sidelines in the water...and cried when we took her out.

Quincy and Amanda took Julie down a kiddie twisty slide. She didn't cry, but wasn't quite sure what was going on. By the third time, Amanda said that Julie giggled!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Setting the scene....

It was after dinner, mommy was still cleaning up. Daddy had taken Jesse upstairs to start his bath.

Julie was hanging out with Mommy. All of a sudden, Mommy noticed that it was pretty quiet downstairs.

Guess where I found her...half way up the stairs!!