Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bubba went to a birthday party...and brought this home!

A helium balloon.

A helium balloon is like gold around the Blankenship house. Julie holds on to it for dear life. The other night, she ate dinner with it's string/ribbon in one hand. And that same night, she would have taken a bath with it, but Mommy said no on this one.

I would like to get a photo of her with the balloon...however, it's out of sight (for now).

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Julie's latest...

Little lady is now calling...."bubba"!

Last week, Jesse went to stay at the farm for a couple of days when he was sick. While he was gone, Julie was calling, "Bubba?" if to ask where he was!!

Julie must think that the dog food is a part of a healthy menu. She always seems to get a piece before we realize that she is quiet and in the kitchen when the dogfood is on the floor!

And heaven forbid us take the dog food (or anything else) away from get so mad!!

Anything that we do that is not acceptable in your eyes, you certainly let us know! A couple of times, you have you arched your back which made you bump yourself into the wall or the corner of the toy box that's in your room. You do seem to get over things pretty quickly. :)

And wow, you are walking all over the place now! Seriously, you went from taking 2-3steps and falling down, to walking across the room! You gained the confidence that was needed and am truly impressed with yourself!

Monday, September 13, 2010