Monday, November 22, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

She went down....all by herself!

Julie went down the twisty slide alone! Mommy carried her up the ladder, put her in the slide...and big brother was at the bottom waiting her arrival!

Mommy doesn't know exactly how she liked it...however she did not cry and she wanted to go again!

So that tells me that she liked it!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Learning at Minnieland!

Body parts...tongue, head, eyes, ears, and nose!

She even knows what the dog and cat says!

I will get this on video!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Breakfast of champions

Most mornings breakfast is a banana and a cereal bar!

And she is still signing/asking for more!

I just think this is a big breakfast (snack) for a 16 month old...before a breakfast at Minnieland!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Such a fun age...

Julie has a few new words in her vocabulary.

block, peek-boo, apple, block, and when someone says "one", she says "two".

We have the "Tickle Monster laughter kit"'s a riot to see Julie with the monster hands...going to "get" Daddy and Jesse!

Just this week, Mommy noticed that the kids are playing more with each other these days. Mommy says, "it's kind of nice and disappointing at the same time". The bond that they are creating is one full of love!