Sunday, January 30, 2011

Your digestive track....thank God it works good!

So, this morning, we found three marbles in your diaper.

Thankfully, these items were round, passed through with no troubles...and all marbles are accounted for!

When I saw them, I immediatedly said a prayer thanking God that you were ok!

And I am sorry that this happened! I did a quick clean through again...of all small things and the marbles were put away.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Interest in the steps...

Julie likes to hold someone's hand when she's going down the steps these days!

She's talking a lot more...saying "read", "book", and "potty"!

Loves to play ball---Julie and I will sit to roll the ball for 30 minutes at a time! The other night, we even had two balls going at once! I was impressed that she was that coordinated!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wrong virus...

Mommy was wasn't roseola.

Julie checked out fine at the doctor's office, after having the rash for three days.

Mommy was getting worried that it was something else, eventhough you were acting completely normal!!

On the way to the doctor's office, we won 4 monster truck tickets from the radio!

Later over the weekend, Mommy had a fever, and some stomach rash. I bet I had the same thing!

Shoo fly shoo...go away all viruses!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ring around the Roseola baby girl has a virus. And I think she got it from me (herpes virus--Mommy has a big ole fever blister right now). She threw up in our bed early Saturday morning, had a fever during the day, then some rash (lots on her face), then later noticed it on her entire body.

We spent today at GaGa and PaPa's house...for Amanda and Mommy's birthday lunch. Julie napped while we were there and then took a nap on the way home. She seemed to be a better mood once we were home. Thankfully, we have the holiday tomorrow...and that the virus will be over so that we can go back to work Tuesday.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

These days...

Julie is talking a lot! Mostly one words, but sometimes two word sentences!

"Want that" is a famous phrase!!

She puckers for a kiss...which is so adorable!

When we go down the drive way...we hit the "bump, bump".

Julie loves listening to music. She is enjoying Wheels on the Bus, Old McDonald, ABC, and other toddler songs. She even does moves to Wheels on the Bus! I think Minnieland has the same toddler songs cd that we do, because she totally knows a lot of the songs!

She's a lot of fun.....well except when you do one little thing that she doesn't like!! It could be that you opened her cereal bar, removed the cereal bar from the wrapper, or took her shoes off.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mommy loves to see Julie in tights....18 month photos

Mommy is proud of these photos. Her photography mentor said that they finally look like professional photos!

Now, I just need to get that chair painted!