Thursday, February 10, 2011

18 month check up at 19 months...

In this corner, we have Julie Blankenship standing at 32 inches tall and weighing 24 lbs, 12 and 3/4 oz!

She is in the 50% percentile for weight and 25th-50th percentile for height.

Doctor said that she is talking great for her age...and said that it's obvious that she comprehends what we say.

We've been released to not come back until she's 2 years old!

Picking up a bad habit from least Daddy thinks it's a bad one!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A bit too young...

So, I tried potty training you this weekend.

There were several accidents in the padded big girl underwear and you love sitting on the potty! We read books, played with the whack the ball toy and see-n-say. However, you wouldn't ever do "anything" on the potty.

This was mean, but Mommy ended up putting you in the bathtub when it should have been time for you to go pee again. You did not like this and cried. Because you were mad, you "let go" and peed.

We halted the potty training at this time....obviously, not ready yet.

But when you are ready, I think you will be very easy to train. You woke up one day this past weekend from a 3-hour nap...still dry! You go girl!

Can't fault a mommy for trying!

Mommy thinks it's cute that you can say this...


Friday, February 4, 2011

The latest and greatest...

Julie loves "Ring Around the Rosy"...

Julie says "up" and "down", "thank you", and "clean up" (she also actually cleans up!--thank you Minnieland!)

She is very brave/dare devil-ish because goes down the slide to our playset all by herself. She can also go up the ladder, but Mommy likes to be right there when she falls/slips.

We've heard her singing the ABC song...not the actual words, but singing her version of it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

your first sentence....

"I want more"

Of course you were talking about food!


It's potty time!

Mommy decided that since you are so interested in sitting on the potty...that it's time to sorta start with the training.

This week, we started sitting on the potty in the morning before going to Minnieland and in the evenings before bath time. Nothing yet...but in time, we will get lucky!

Two of the three mornings, I have noticed that you pee in the diaper as soon as I put it on (after this potty sitting time). So girl, relax and let it flow (in the potty!)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Finally figured it out...I think.

Whenever Julie sees a star, she says, "Bubba".

So the rhyme goes:

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
How I wonder what you are.
Up above (I think she thinks that we are saying "bubba" here) the world so high.
Like a diamond in the sky.