Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Julie's latest...

Julie is continuing to give us new words daily…. I have even gotten her to say “I love you”

She loves taunting big brother…she takes something of his, then runs! I have to giggle when I see the way he reacts (which is usually pretty whiny and he then cries to tell us what she has done). And then I giggle at the smile that’s on Julie’s face! Gotta love those sibling moments!

Julie is being very independent in many areas. She walks down the steps like a big person and also climbing into and out of the carseat. She's getting really good!

I see all of these growing up things a sign that makes us closer to potty training!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

recognizing a few important people...

Ok, so maybe they aren't important people, but she recognizes Spider"man", Frosty the Snow"man", "Melmo", and "Woody" from Toy Story. It's darling to hear her say Woody!

Julie will pretty much repeat anything that is said. Her latest is "raisin". I still can't believe that both of my children like Raisin Bran!

This weekend, when Julie was laying in our bed, she hid her socks under the covers. She then looked at me and asked "where'd they go?" It was too cute!

Julie continues playing frisbee and ball with the dogs. She learned the word "leave it" when she was taking their toys from them. She then throws the toy into the "kitchen". And she's finally calling Luke's name (Duke).

Mommy and Julie love playing dress up. Julie put on a bathing suit show for her Daddy and Jesse. And tonight, we even tried on a few new dresses.

My baby is growing fast.