Friday, May 27, 2011

A sweet moment....

Last night, at Julie’s bed time, she kissed Jesse good night, then kissed a photo her Daddy that was on the end table (he wasn’t home because of the end of the year jazz band concert). It was just so sweet…that she “kissed” Daddy good night!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Julie lost her eyes....

When Jesse gets out of the bath tub, he acts like he has lost his eyes and asks me to put some new ones in. And he usually asks for a certain color, sometimes each eye is a different color. Wild imagination...

But anyway, tonight Julie did it! She schrunched her eyes and asked "eyes?" (and Jesse hadn't done it in a couple of weeks!)

Amazing what they pick up and remember!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

I forgot the exact date...

of the first time Julie initiated the words, "I love you".

I thought since yesterday was the second time that she said it, that I would make sure to mention it!

We were hugging each other in her room...and she said the "sweet" words!

I love her...more than she knows. At least until she has her own daughter!