Sunday, January 15, 2012

Yay, for longer books!

Julie is digging “Go Dog Go!”

She even quotes some of the book…like “Do you like my hat?” and she likes to tell that they have gone to a birthday dog party!

I caught her reading...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

with da boys...

Julie was watching Big Bird upstairs. I needed to go downstairs for a bit, so I told her that I was coming right back…hoping that she would forget about me. She soon came downstairs and joined Daddy and Jesse while they were watching their movie. When I was ready to return upstairs, I asked her if she wanted to come with me. She said, “No, I’m watching Green Lantern.”

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Julie was doing her best to delay nap time. Mom finally called the end of it. After sitting on top of her to put a pullup and her pants back on, I plopped her in the bed, and quickly exited the room, pulling the door closed behind me. She was mad, but only cried out twice. Things were quiet for quite a while. When I went to check on the quiet Julie, the reason she hadn’t done so much of the mad crying, is because I could tell that she had been quite busy. I found her asleep in her bed…jeans were lying on the floor, pull up unfastened and legs wide open.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

These are the little things you forget if you don't make note of them!

Mommy pushes those fresh vegetables! And I get a high five every time Julie eats a cherry tomato!