Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I just had to post this pic....

Someone was making sure that their flash was working correctly and caught this moment!

Photo was taken in October 2011.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Even after getting new babies Snow White for Christmas and Rapunzel for Valentine's Day, 30-year old Winnie and Otis Lee (Mommy's Cabbage Patch Kids) get the most baby doll action. Poor Otis Lee is covered in Hello Kitty band-aids. We allowed Julie to use her Hello Kitty band-aids as she pleased. They were all used up within 24 hours. She had one on her tummy that stayed there for about a week and a half. When we took it off, each spot on her skin where the sticky parts were, was covered in little red bumps. 2-3 weeks later, there are still band-aid spots there...I think these may stick around for a while...they look like scars. I know...I need to photograph this...and I will!

The latest and greatest....

My ‘baby’ is getting so big! Her favorite saying right now is “I’m hungee!” I had to laugh this past weekend when she came into our bedroom very early Saturday morning and said, “I’m very, very hungee!” And it’s humorous to me that just about every night when we are cleaning up from eating dinner that she’ll tell us once again that she’s hungry!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Julie complained that the corn dog that I made her was too hot. Jesse ended up eating this corn dog when Julie was napping (I had put it in the frige). So, when Julie woke up, she was hungry. She did not want me to warm up the corn dog. She ate it frozen...she didn't eat all of it, but the point is, she ate what she ate of it, frozen.
