Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mommy was a bit sad....

But it didn't last long!

Daddy went to New York for the spring band trip...and brought home a really nice Teddy Bear from FAO Swartz. The bear immediately became a favorite of Julie's. He was taken around for a few days...and poor Otis and Winnie were left in bed or her room all day. 4 days later, Julie struggles into the kitchen carrying Teddy Bear, Winnie, and Otis.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cd for the car....

Jesse, Julie and I have been jammin' to Bieber's "Baby" for quite some time now! Julie certainly looks up to her big brother and sometimes asks for songs that he likes. On the way home from Ainsley's birthday party, Julie was singing along to M. Jackson's "Beat It". Mommy liked this!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

She's picked up something from me...

When I ask the kids a question, I want a "Yes" or "No" answer, not a head shake, nod, or mouth closed noise as an answer. As Daddy says, Mommy agrees that sometimes she can't hear too well...hence the reason I want a straight up answer.

So, recently,I started asking questions like this, "Do you want milk, yes or no?" When Julie asks questions, she adds the "yes or no" behind it!! Too funny!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Thanks bunny....

And she had fun at mommy's egg hunt!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring has sprung!!

The pretty colors aren't just coming from all the blooming flowers. Check out the yellow on Julie's pants! She took a quick one down the sliding board...picking up all the yucky pollen!

Thankfully, neither of my babes have allergies! We have been enjoying the early warm weather!