Thursday, November 29, 2012

the backdoor

Rob and I were talking about the backdoor where in the end, I said that we didn’t have the money, at this point, to fix the problem.

Julie piped in saying, “I have money upstairs, you want me to go get it?”

So sweet, honey, but piggy bank money won’t fix this problem! I love you girl!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A relaxing holiday

We had lots of time over the Thanksgiving holiday to goof off around the house. We played Mario Kart, Just Dance Kids (borrowed it from Mrs. Antionette), read library books, built LEGOS, and watched The Wizard of Oz. We even dug out the marble racing towers. The marble toy kept the kids busy for at least 40 minutes---just the two of them were upstairs! Awesome (for me and Daddy watching tv on the couch!)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Sweet girl asked where her brother was when I picked her up, but not him. I responded that the boys went somewhere before coming home. As soon as we walked in the door, she noticed that Jesse had gotten his hair cut. She cried and pretty much kept talking/crying about it, until she talked me into taking her to get one!

She sat so still up there on her princess throne—(just a booster seat at Hair Cuttery) and smiled from ear to ear.