Sunday, January 27, 2013

And she writes!

Holy cow, did I flip when 3.5 year old Julie wrote her name at church!! She started out with the "J", then said she was going to finish writing her name. I was truly amazed!

Ms Ashlee said that they have been working hard at Minnieland to do this!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The word college

Whenever Longwood College is mentioned, Julie starts singing the fight song that her daddy wrote for the college. "Hail to Longwood U!" is pretty much the only words that she knows!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New pencil sharpener

Julie has taken to Daddy's new electric pencil sharpener. She collects several pencils to "sharp them up".

It's the little things...that are entertaining!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The toddler bed...

Julie comes down one night after we have put her to bed and says "there are too many people in my bed!"

Julie loves to have many things with her in the bed...books, stuffed animals, toys, etc.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Helping out around the house...

Sometimes Julie sets the table for dinner. She wasn't asked to help, but just started doing it. I am guessing that they were doing this in her Montessori class. Mommy thought it was super sweet to do it without being asked!