Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Julie is enjoying having big brother around as a playmate. I have noticed that when he's not home, she has a hard time figuring out what she should do. When they are together, she's right there with him dressing up like super heroes, being the "bad" guy, and collecting bugs for their collection. Even though she does all these things with him, she still enjoys tagging along behind mommy from time to time. She helps fold laundry, is always asking to use the Swiffer on the kitchen floor, vacuuming when I vacuum, helps with watering the flowers in the backyard and is always asking to help cook. We have made a pizza together and Jello.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sharpie no no's

Julie used a red sharpie when I told her not to use it.

She told me that she had used a crayon to complete the hand writing worksheet. BS! I picked up the worksheet and because she had used the sharpie, it had leaked through the paper onto the table. She stared down at it for a while…and she said that she was sorry. I could tell that she really meant what she said…