Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Nuckols Farm Running Club

So, today was the first day of running club. Julie asked what Ms. Swanson would be doing while she was running. I told her that Ms. Swanson was not going to be there, that Ms. Sweeney would be there. Julie bummed, and responds with "Awww, she makes us tired!"

After 6 to 7 laps of running/walking Julie tells me that she doesn't want to do running club anymore! :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Kindergarten, here she comes!!

I will never forget the smile on her face and response when we asked how the first day of Kindergarten was!! She said "It was AWESOME!"

After just one week in school, I heard two new words in her vocabulary. She used the words "personal space" and said that something was "complicated".

And after two weeks of school, she knows her phone number and how to tie her shoes!! Definitely off to a great start!

The only thing that she doesn't the fire drills! Poor girl was crying for at least 30 minutes before bed because there was going to be a fire drill the next day! That afternoon, she said that the fire drill was it was nothing! :)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Punch buggies everywhere!

So, it's on!

There's a punch buggy in our neighborhood that I had to call "off limits" because the kids would stare at the house as we drove by it, just so they could hit someone!

These kids see a VW bug everywhere we go!!

Daddy even made up a new game... Whenever you see a Mini Cooper, you have to say "Mini Cooper Pooper" and you get to pinch someone!! They see Mini Cooopers everywhere too!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Some time at home...without brother Jesse

Jesse went to visit the farm for a few days. Julie was upset that he was leaving and didn't want him to go. She got to talk to him on the phone...and immediately said that she missed him!!

Saturday, July 26, 2014


So, Julie and I were sitting at the kitchen table talking. I said something about "pulling her leg" and she took a look under the table to see if I was actually going to pull her leg! I love, love, love this kind of thing!

Julie asked me to help her buy a house....because she didn't know where the house store was!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kings Dominion fun

We got passes to KD for the summer and had a blast! Went to the top of the Eiffel Tower...Julie said that she saw Gaga's house from up there! Little lady cried her way through her first roller coaster...the old Scooby Doo. But after that, she said she wanted to do it again! Awesome!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Smart kids these days....

Julie asked why birds do this (then flapped her arms in the motion of flapping wings)?

She also saw some geese flying in a "V" shape and asked...why they didn't start with "A"?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

See my thumb!

Julie was taking self-ie videos using my phone...and she got this funny quote! She said "See my thumb, that means it's awesome!"

How cute!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Mom is so busted

So, I try to be good and recycle when I can. Well, I totally got busted this time... I put lots of Julie and Jesse's papers in a bag because we just can't keep it all. Check out this face...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A really old Barbie...

After getting out mom's old Barbies, we decided that one was yucky and that it should be played with at the pool or the beach. Daddy and Mommy went to the beach for New Year's Eve...when we returned, Julie asked why hadn't I taken the Barbie to play with! Gosh, I love that girl!