Friday, December 11, 2015

Eye tricks and dancing

Julie was super happy when she learned to wink each eye.  She also learned the Macarena dance at the school's annual Jingle Jam!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

School clinic

Julie visits the school clinic frequently!

She has been since home with lice, head injury information because she hit her head on the playground, and is always complaining to Ms Varmecky that her stomach hurts.  Ms. Varmecky even emailed us to see if there was really something wrong with her.  There was one time that Julie visited the clinic three days in a row...I challenged her not to go to the clinic the next day of school.

She came home from school and the first thing that she said to me was that she didn't got to the clinic that day!  YAY!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Baby album

Mom was working to replace Julie's broken baby photo album with a new album.  She was helping where she could and then asked me how babies get out of the body...and bent her knees, then pointed down there with a big question mark on her face!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Free flowers

We were helping Mary Catherine move some things out of her house...  Julie picks up several dandelions and asks me if we could plant some of them in my flower garden.  I said "No honey, they are weeds."  She says back to me, "No Mom, they are wishes!"

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The beach!

We were having a blast on our annual beach vacation at Nags Head!

Julie points as she looks down the beach and says "Look, there are two big spiders!"  --Julie had never seen a real crab!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Mama is on top of it!

So, that is what I thought!  Rob had an early morning rehearsal, so I was responsible for getting both kids up and out the door on time!  Everything was going great...I even packed lunches!

That afternoon, I was out cutting the grass on the riding lawn mower when Jesse came out to ask me, "Mom, why did you put a knife in Julie's lunchbox?"  Being that I was sure that is not what he got me to thinking!

I am not winning Mom of the Year award...I sent the pairing knife to school in Julie's lunchbox that I used to cut up our strawberries!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spring Break 2015

So spring break for kids aren't so crazy, or are they!!?

I asked Julie what the craziest thing she did over spring break...  it was then that we decided to eat a piece of dog food together!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Hands full

Julie and I were talking one afternoon and she told me that she wants four children.  I commented, "you will certainly have your hands full!"  She then said, "I am not going to carry them!"

Gosh, I love it!  This age, they are so literal!