Friday, October 23, 2009

This warms my heart...

The cutest picture was taken of my daughter and Violet (Julie's friend from Minnieland).

The babies were in the buggy stroller going for a ride...the girls were seated beside each other. The teachers captured a great picture...Julie was holding Violet's hand!

They have two poses of them, so I am thinking that they will give them to us, once they take them off of the show-off board. I will be sure to post it!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm a growin'!

"Cheeks" is moving out of the 0-3 month clothes!

We bumped up the oz in her bottle. In just over a month, we went from 4 oz to 5 oz, then to 5.5 oz, then 6oz, and finally 6.5oz!!! I bet "Miss Piggy" would do 7 if I gave it to her!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

She's 'talking' now...

This morning, as I was burping Julie, she flashed big brother, Jesse, the biggest smile. He hadn’t even said anything to her. She was “talking”, as if she was saying, ‘hey, we are gonna get in some trouble together one day!’. It warmed my heart!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Such a blessing...

I think I said this before, but we were blessed with a good sleeper! Julie goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 and sleeps till I go to get her up at 6am during the week. On the weekends, she sleeps till 9am!! WOW!!

And what’s even better than a good sleeper, or at least right up there in line, is that she goes to sleep most nights on her own. I was able to get her down a bit earlier last night—she nursed, then I sang her a few songs. She was quiet, so I decided to put her in the crib at 6:50pm. I didn’t think she would go to sleep, but when I checked on her a few minutes later, she was out! There are some nights that mommy just wants to hold her, so I take a few extra minutes to enjoy the coziness of holding my sweet baby. I am not getting that middle of the night "quiet" time with my baby! She won’t be this small for long!

Thank you God for blessing us with a good baby! And thank you Julie for being a good baby!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009