Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Such a blessing...

I think I said this before, but we were blessed with a good sleeper! Julie goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 and sleeps till I go to get her up at 6am during the week. On the weekends, she sleeps till 9am!! WOW!!

And what’s even better than a good sleeper, or at least right up there in line, is that she goes to sleep most nights on her own. I was able to get her down a bit earlier last night—she nursed, then I sang her a few songs. She was quiet, so I decided to put her in the crib at 6:50pm. I didn’t think she would go to sleep, but when I checked on her a few minutes later, she was out! There are some nights that mommy just wants to hold her, so I take a few extra minutes to enjoy the coziness of holding my sweet baby. I am not getting that middle of the night "quiet" time with my baby! She won’t be this small for long!

Thank you God for blessing us with a good baby! And thank you Julie for being a good baby!!

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