Monday, December 28, 2009

Just long enough...

to put your hair in a pig tail like Pebbles...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas loot

Phil & Ted's

We took a nice ride in the P&T double stroller. This was the first of many walks that Julie was able to ride in the attached seat and Jesse could have the bigger seat. Big brother, thanks for all those walks...that you sat in a seat that was too small for you!

Mommy loves that her babies like to walk!! I think I just may be able to keep Jesse in the stroller until he's 5 or so!! Who doesn't like to stroll around a beautiful lake, see Mallard ducks, Canadian geese, a swan, sometimes turtles, fish, and rabbits?

Our first tea party

In attendance was Mommy, Julie, Smurfette, Lucille, and our dachshund, Luke (he obviously invited himself). Big brother, Jesse joined us when he awoke from a nap. He loves playing tea party...imagine that!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Ho Ho Ho!

We had a great Christmas holiday! Since Julie didn't officially ask Santa for anything this year, he decided to bring a few things to decorate her room! He brought a super cute balerina canvas art and a flower lamp. He also brought a tea set and a plush Smurfette doll! Daddy gave some cool drums, Mommy gave a grocery bag full of plush foods, and Jesse gave Snow-White. Some other really cool gifts that she received was wall decoration letters that spell out her name, Mary-Jane shoe-socks, and a Cabbage Patch kid named Lucille.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Bippy---Julie says no thanks!

Poor thing screams even louder when you try to put the pacifier in her mouth!! That, or she spits it out!

I am guessing that she soothes herself by sucking on her bottom lip because it's moving pretty much all the time!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Special delivery...

15 inches of the white stuff arrived one week before Christmas!!

Julie was bundled up snug as a bug, so she didn't really seem to acknowledge her first sleigh ride!

The winter musical was casting for Frostee, the snow-woman...guess who got the part?

Friday, December 18, 2009

White stuff before Christmas!!

Special delivery 1 week before Christmas....15 inches of snow! Quite a suprise!

Julie took her first sleigh ride...and didn't really seem to even notice. And she decided to try out for the winter Frostee the Snow-woman!! Believe it or not, she got the part! haha!

Merry New Year!

Eyes on the prize!

Julie follows the bottle with her eyes...wherever it goes! And she objects when the bottle is taken out of her mouth for burp time! And sometime she even cries when the bottle is empty :(

Sadly, we are mostly bottle feeding these limit the number of ounces that she is getting. It would be an all you can eat buffet in the mornings since Mommy can pump enough for two 5.5oz bottles!!

I guess this is officially her first (of many) diets :(

Julie, just a little note from mommy--- I will do my best to keep you and Jesse both well exercised! Mommy needs motivation too...maybe we can keep each other healthy! And hopefully once you start crawling/walking, some of your 'sweet rolls' (and I am not talking about bread that we have at dinner!) will diminish!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Short Pumping it--

No line and everyone is happy! (especially momma!)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Did I mention that Julie is a blessing?

Sweet girl is still awesome going to bed!

Either she falls asleep while she's nursing. Or if she's done nursing and mommy is done singing, she falls to sleep laying in her crib!

This truly amazes me!