Friday, December 18, 2009

Eyes on the prize!

Julie follows the bottle with her eyes...wherever it goes! And she objects when the bottle is taken out of her mouth for burp time! And sometime she even cries when the bottle is empty :(

Sadly, we are mostly bottle feeding these limit the number of ounces that she is getting. It would be an all you can eat buffet in the mornings since Mommy can pump enough for two 5.5oz bottles!!

I guess this is officially her first (of many) diets :(

Julie, just a little note from mommy--- I will do my best to keep you and Jesse both well exercised! Mommy needs motivation too...maybe we can keep each other healthy! And hopefully once you start crawling/walking, some of your 'sweet rolls' (and I am not talking about bread that we have at dinner!) will diminish!

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