Sunday, May 30, 2010

The top four...

Looks like Julie decided to get all of her teeth at the same time...

Julie's doing pretty good with the pains of teething. There's been a little extra fussiness, but who's to say that it's because of the teeth!?


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Let Freedom Ring....


Julie-boolie is crawling!!

And she is so proud of herself!

Guess we need to put back up the baby won't be long before she masters the crawl and gets a lot faster!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A few words...

Guess what our new word is?

"Uh-oh" :)

One morning, through the monitor, Mommy heard, "Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh". And if Julie wasn't actually saying the words, she was using her voice to say it with her mouth closed!

Julie is also saying "mom-ma". Mommy knows that Julie is calling for her mommy! She is also somewhat saying "dad-da" and "cookie".

Julie's Minnieland teachers said that she finally crawled yesterday! At home, mommy noticed that Julie is scooting backwards on her knees. She is also manuevering herself into a sitting position from laying on her belly.

Baby girl is still a sleeping queen---mommy loves that we are all able to get our beauty rest!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Our cut!

Great Aunt Marie did a terrific job!