Saturday, May 22, 2010

A few words...

Guess what our new word is?

"Uh-oh" :)

One morning, through the monitor, Mommy heard, "Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh". And if Julie wasn't actually saying the words, she was using her voice to say it with her mouth closed!

Julie is also saying "mom-ma". Mommy knows that Julie is calling for her mommy! She is also somewhat saying "dad-da" and "cookie".

Julie's Minnieland teachers said that she finally crawled yesterday! At home, mommy noticed that Julie is scooting backwards on her knees. She is also manuevering herself into a sitting position from laying on her belly.

Baby girl is still a sleeping queen---mommy loves that we are all able to get our beauty rest!!

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