Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Not just any ole...smooch!

On the way home from Nags Head, Julie mimicked me as if she was kissing her hand to blow me a kiss!

Mommy totally loves seeing Julie do new things!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Me & my mommy

Something to celebrate!

Baby girl is not so much of a baby anymore!

We celebrated the 1st birthday at the beach with Grammy & Bah. Julie enjoyed a slice of pizza for dinner and then some icecream cake!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Moving on up!

Not to the east side, but to whole milk!

Mommy is happy to soon be detached from the pump!

We have also moved on to the sippy cup....full time. And cold milk.

I think baby is starting to dislike bed time...eventhough she's tired. She throws that head back and lets me know that she's unhappy. Mommy holds baby tight till she finally gives in...and relaxes her head on my shoulder.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The latest...and greatest!

Julie boolie is finally calling Da-da!!

I really think she is saying her version of "thank you" and "dog" too!

Julie's such a joy to be around these days... She's usually all smiles, unless you make her mad. She can arch her back and scream...but it usually only lasts for about 20 seconds then she's over it.

Julie is a human garbage disposal when we are sitting at the dinner table! This past weekend at a family reunion, she ate carrot soufle, corn pudding, barbeque, green beans, watermelon and chocolate pie.

Mommy started giving Julie 2% mixed in with her breast milk this past far so good. With that being said, Mommy is deceasing the number of times that she is pumping for milk. Mommy is ready to have her body back...and especially since it's bathing suit season!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Getting around pretty good....

Baby girl is crawling pretty good. She's still not the speed of lightning, but at least we can sit her down in the living room and she will crawl into the kitchen to where we are!

Hurry up and walk little's hard to keep the floors clean!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Just keep little Nemos

Mommy was brave and took both kids to the pool! And we had a great time!

Jesse was in the life jacket, so he was floating around and happy! Julie enjoyed splashing in the big bathtub--while she was in Mommy's arms!

We will go back to the pool....:)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mommy learned something new...about baby.

Julie had a rough time settling down for the night. Mommy rubbed Julie's belly/back to see if she could help soothe.

Take note: Julie never used a pacifier. And we nipped the thumb sucking in the bud as soon as she started it. Next she went on to sucking her bottom lip...for soothing.

And now...I noticed that she fingers through her hair. She grabs the hair at the root, then gently pulls and lets it go.

I talked to one of my friends who stills pulls her hair the same 30 years old! (I enjoyed our walk today...and am so happy that you and Ted are adding to your family!)