Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The latest...and greatest!

Julie boolie is finally calling Da-da!!

I really think she is saying her version of "thank you" and "dog" too!

Julie's such a joy to be around these days... She's usually all smiles, unless you make her mad. She can arch her back and scream...but it usually only lasts for about 20 seconds then she's over it.

Julie is a human garbage disposal when we are sitting at the dinner table! This past weekend at a family reunion, she ate carrot soufle, corn pudding, barbeque, green beans, watermelon and chocolate pie.

Mommy started giving Julie 2% mixed in with her breast milk this past weekend...so far so good. With that being said, Mommy is deceasing the number of times that she is pumping for milk. Mommy is ready to have her body back...and especially since it's bathing suit season!

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