Wednesday, July 14, 2010

1 year checkup

In this corner, we have Julie-Boolie Blankenship, 1-year old, weighing in at 22lbs, 2oz. and is 28 and 7/8 inches tall!

Julie's motor skills have definitely developed since her 9 month appointment...

Three days before her appointment, Julie finally pulled herself to a standing position!! Mommy knew the doctor was going to ask if she had...and was hoping that she could say that Julie has done this!

At 12 months, Julie can say a few words...mama, dadda, Leia (it's mostly the "L" sound, but every dog is that word that she is saying! She can also say her versions of cookie, turtle, and thank you.

Julie is still a great sleeper, however, she dislikes bed time. She kindly lets us know by fussing when the blinds are closed and when we sit in the glider chair. She arches her back strongly.

She is finally spitting out the foods that don't suit her tastebuds. This is making it super hard to find things that she will eat. I hope you don't ever stop loving mommy's chicken noodle soup!

Julie knows that a brush is used to brush hair, tries to put shoes on her feet, and can feed a bottle to her baby doll. It's amazing that she knows to do these things! Julie loves playing in big brother, Jesse's room. And loves seeing him bounce here and there and all around the square.

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