Wednesday, October 20, 2010

a good 15 month checkup....

Julie weighs 23lbs, 4oz and is 30 inches tall.

Doctor Dalby said that 10-15 words is a lot for this age...

momma, dadda, bubba, turtle, ball, Leia, more, no, no way, etc

Have the tantrums started? Well of course they have...

It's funny, one day this week, Julie went to the pantry, picked out a box of cereal, sat in the middle of the floor and started trying to open the box. Mommy thought she would help things along...and puts some on Julie's food tray. Julie disapproves and swats the food onto the floor :) Guess Mommy should stop helping until I am asked to do so!

Julie loves to "give five". This certainly entertained her in the waiting room at the doctor's office. She even ventured away from Mommy and Daddy, and gave two other folks five.

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