Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ok, this is something exciting for a mama (and the money pincher)!

My baby....18 months old (just about) has told us three times that she has "poop"!!

The potty has been "hanging out" in the kid's bathroom for a while...I wanted it to be seen and talked about as often as possible!

In just a couple weeks, we have gone from crying when sat on the potty to sitting on the potty (still clothed) and being happy about it!

Baby is leading her way to potty training!!

(at least this time, I know that I could have started earlier!)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

an equation...

Seems like Julie is hard to please these days. Daddy says it happens when Mommy enters the situation!

Happy Julie + Mommy = fussy Julie :(

I am also having a hard time feeding you meals. You seem to enjoy a variety of foods at Minnieland, but if I offer such foods at home, it gets tossed on the floor.

Oh, well...even as much as I want you to eat what we are eating, it's normally yogurt for dinner!

Julie + happy = happy Mommy

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Toy Story...

Julie has been playing with the Jessie doll that she got for her birthday. She enjoys hearing Jessie talk when the string is pulled and taking off/putting on her cowgirl hat. Julie has also been playing with Jesse's Woody doll.

When I talk about the dolls...I tell her to go get Woody and Jessie. She will try to say Woody and call the other doll "bubba"!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

At 17 months...

What a smart girl!

Julie was sitting at a table at Minnieland...reading a book. When she saw that I was there to pick her up, she got up, returned the book to the library, then came to see me! I was so proud of her for putting away the book without being told!

Julie had a lollipop after dinnner. We were all in the living room hanging out and talking, with just the Christmas tree lights on. Julie walks to the kitchen and next thing I hear, is the trashcan close. She was done with her lollipop and threw the stick in the trash! Again, I was proud....because I hadn't told her to do it this time!

Throwing something in the trash is a big thing now...I think she's had 4 lollipops at home and after telling her to throw away the stick she would do it. But the story above...I didn't have to tell her!