Wednesday, December 1, 2010

At 17 months...

What a smart girl!

Julie was sitting at a table at Minnieland...reading a book. When she saw that I was there to pick her up, she got up, returned the book to the library, then came to see me! I was so proud of her for putting away the book without being told!

Julie had a lollipop after dinnner. We were all in the living room hanging out and talking, with just the Christmas tree lights on. Julie walks to the kitchen and next thing I hear, is the trashcan close. She was done with her lollipop and threw the stick in the trash! Again, I was proud....because I hadn't told her to do it this time!

Throwing something in the trash is a big thing now...I think she's had 4 lollipops at home and after telling her to throw away the stick she would do it. But the story above...I didn't have to tell her!

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