Wednesday, April 27, 2011

An early morning party...

Dry diaper = pee pee on the potty! And there was no crying today as she was doing it. She heard it, then said "pee pee!"

Thankfully, it took less than 15 minutes!

Yay for pee pee and M&Ms!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Two times in one week!

Dry diaper in the morning...means we aren't leaving the house until we have success!

So, today was a bit took about 30 minutes, but we got that pee pee!!

Julie stood up for a second as she had started to pee. Mommy quickly pushed her to sit we wouldn't have so much of a mess to clean up!

Yay for pottying!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A new phrase....and success on the potty

Julie’s latest favorite phrase is “I did it!” She is enjoying getting up into the car and car seat all by herself. Of course it takes about 5+ minutes…she gets pissed when Mommy says that we don’t have time for it in the mornings on the way to Minnieland and is she is put into her seat. She is also learning how to take her clothes off and put them on… Hmmm, good, and not so good! One shoe always comes off when we are in the car. And she does not mind walking with one on and one off.

Dry diaper = 40 minutes on the potty until she peed!

She cried as she was doing it, so every time she cried, a little more came out! We had a party!! And she loved the M&M's!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Washcloth germs

During bath time, Julie’s freshly clean wash cloth ended up between Jesse’s legs.
I told Jesse to get that washcloth away from his penis. Jesse takes it and starts to put it on Julie…and says, “it has my penis germs on it!” Mommy just had to laugh…