Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A new phrase....and success on the potty

Julie’s latest favorite phrase is “I did it!” She is enjoying getting up into the car and car seat all by herself. Of course it takes about 5+ minutes…she gets pissed when Mommy says that we don’t have time for it in the mornings on the way to Minnieland and is she is put into her seat. She is also learning how to take her clothes off and put them on… Hmmm, good, and not so good! One shoe always comes off when we are in the car. And she does not mind walking with one on and one off.

Dry diaper = 40 minutes on the potty until she peed!

She cried as she was doing it, so every time she cried, a little more came out! We had a party!! And she loved the M&M's!

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