Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mr and Mrs. Head

Julie was introduced to Mr. Potato Head at GaGa and PaPa's house. This toy kept her occupied for 45 minutes or so! GaGa wanted to buy one for her birthday, but couldn't find one. Daddy and I ended up finding one at Toys R Us, so we got it for her...GaGa paid for it. We just got the normal Mrs. Potato Head...that came with about ten pieces. It took a few days for Julie to start playing with it. And she yells "Heady!"

Since Mrs. Head came into the house, Jesse's Optimus Tater Prime started to get some action.

On a recent trip to Toys R Us, the kids and I saw another "Head" set with about 40 pieces! I saw this one when we found Mrs' Head, but decided not to get it. Well, this time, I decided to get it. This is what Mommy is giving Julie for her birthday--one of your presents. Once we were home from the store, Jesse, Julie and I, all enjoyed playing with this new fun!

This week, I was lucky enough to come across someone on Craig's List selling their "Head" set---came with 2 heads and pieces to make Toy Story characters Woody, Buzz, Jessie and Mr. Potato Head. Since we are having a Toy Story themed 2nd birthday party for Julie, I got this!

Ok, so Julie's like for this becoming an obsession for Mommy! I thought that with the Toy Story addition that our "Head" family would be complete (with 5 heads). Well, now I am not so sure about this!

I've heard that they have a Mr. Potato Head pieces store in Downtown Disney. And I've googled and found Luke Frywalker, Darth Vader Tater, Darth Bob, etc. It would be interesting if I can find the "Head" pieces for let's say a Disney Princess or Strawberry Shortcake!

This is too much fun! :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Birthday fun

You spent your 2nd birthday hanging out with Daddy at home. You wore a “Birthday Girl” t-shirt and could say happy birthday very well! Jesse went to Bible school in the morning, but was there in the afternoon. Mom arrived home a bit early from work. We colored and played until it was dinner time. One of your favorites was a side at dinner…macaroni (but you called it spaghetti). After dinner, we headed out to Cold Stone for ice cream. You cried all the way there because you didn’t understand that we were celebrating out for ice cream. Grammy, Ashie and Rylan met us there. After showers, we played with something that mom got from Craig’s List—it was Toy Story themed Potato Heads. It came with two bodies and pieces to create Woody, Buzz, Jessie and Potato Head. We now have a family of five potato heads—no, this does not mean there will be any more in the Blankenship’s!

I can’t believe my baby is now 2!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Whenever Daddy lights the candles....

Julie starts singing "Happy Birthday!"

Friday, June 3, 2011

The latest and greatest....

Ok, so some of this is great! And some, not so great!

Julie loves singing... Row your Boat, Are you Sleeping, ABCs, and Twinkle, Twinkle

Tell me that this girl is not ready to be potty trained---in addition to most mornings waking up with a dry diaper, when she needs to be changed, she gets out the changing pad, wipes, a diaper, and lays down on the carpet or the kitchen floor (she likes to choose where we change the diaper! :) I am so ready for her to move up to the next class at Minnieland...and the potty training will be ON!

Ok, for the not so great... Julie has picked up saying, "No, Never" from someone...I am guessing it's big brother Jesse!