Monday, June 27, 2011

Birthday fun

You spent your 2nd birthday hanging out with Daddy at home. You wore a “Birthday Girl” t-shirt and could say happy birthday very well! Jesse went to Bible school in the morning, but was there in the afternoon. Mom arrived home a bit early from work. We colored and played until it was dinner time. One of your favorites was a side at dinner…macaroni (but you called it spaghetti). After dinner, we headed out to Cold Stone for ice cream. You cried all the way there because you didn’t understand that we were celebrating out for ice cream. Grammy, Ashie and Rylan met us there. After showers, we played with something that mom got from Craig’s List—it was Toy Story themed Potato Heads. It came with two bodies and pieces to create Woody, Buzz, Jessie and Potato Head. We now have a family of five potato heads—no, this does not mean there will be any more in the Blankenship’s!

I can’t believe my baby is now 2!

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