Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm a bad mom...I am very sorry!

Last night, I discovered the bad way that Julie is not ready to go up and down the play set steps without supervision. After many successful times over the last two weeks, this particular time, she didn’t make it . When I turned around, I found her face first in the sandbox. We were very fortunate that she wasn’t hurt—she cried a bit, but it didn’t last more than 1 minute to a minute! My girl is tough! But we won’t do the steps again without adult supervision until you are at least three years old, I promise that. We called it a night from being outside and went in for a bath.

Julie tells us “Julie fall in the sandbox”. I bet she won’t forget it for a long, long time. I say this because, about a month ago, when she was riding the bike (tricycle) down the incline from the garage, and she coasted right into the deck and bumped her chin. Every time she sees a bike, she points to and mentions her chin.
Mommy loves you very much Julie. I am trying to let you be as independent as a two year old can be, but I learned from what could have been a very bad experience that the play set steps is not one of them!

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