Saturday, August 27, 2011

May as well....

I guess if you are potty training then that means that you need to be able to get out of bed, if you gotta go....

I was totally expecting you to pull a Jesse when we transitioned you to the toddler bed. But you didn't. And three weeks later, you still haven't! The only time you have gotten out of your bed after we left the room, you moved so that you could sleep in the tent on the floor. I was suprised to find you be quite honest.

And it was just this past weekend when you finally came into Mommy and Daddy's room after only because we kept calling you to come to us and I didn't get out of bed to come into your room.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Girl's weekend!

We gained an extra day at home because Jesse was running a fever on Friday. There must have been some bug that hit us all. Julie had diarrhea Friday night while ate dinner at Cheeburger Cheeburger. Then Mommy had it Saturday morning.

Jesse and Daddy ended up going to the beach Saturday (Jesse’s fever was gone). Mommy had a final due for her summer class, so Julie and I stayed home. We practiced pulling down pants and underwear several times. She was good about trying to do it herself, but most of the time ended up asking for help. We each had a home pedicure, Julie got a hair cut and we had pizza for dinner! We enjoyed church on Sunday, and then just hung out in the afternoon until the boys got home. About 7pm, we were outside showing Daddy what Mommy had done in the flowerbed while Julie was napping. Julie said, “Mommy, I gotta pee!” By the time we looked down at her, we noticed it was already running down her legs. :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We are off to an awesome start!

Ok, so we are officially potty training!

Sunday, we stayed home all day and tried it out. She wore a gown or dress with no underwear or diaper. We kept the potty wherever we went... Most of the times when Julie would sit, she would get right back up. It was noticable when she had to "go" because she would sit there for longer periods. Rob, Uncle Tom and I went down the hall to Jesse's room for something. Julie joined us a few minutes later saying she had peed (the potty was in the master bedroom. Mommy went to check things out and found a big pile of poo in the potty and a itty bitty spot of it on the carpet. WOW!! That totally surprised me/all of us!! She peed in the potty a couple times that day as well! And even one time, she noticed that she had started to go, and held the rest of it until she got to the potty! Awesome!

We sent Julie to Minnieland with several pairs of thick underwear and some instructions for her teachers! Monday and Tuesday she went to Minnieland without doing her morning pee. She had some success...and a few accidents as well. Tuesday night, we were upstairs in the hall...when she said, I gotta pee. She went right over to the potty (which was also in the hall) and peed in it!

This morning...she had a dry diaper! And within 5 seconds of sitting down, she was already peeing!

When she sits down, she touches her nose and says "Shhh, listen".

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Geez, where does the time go!

We have been on two vacations since I have last posted. We spent a week in the Outer Banks and then just this past weekend, in the mountains. We had a blast at both extremes!

Julie loved the swimming pool at the beach house. She was so confident with herself that she went under water many times...and she loved it! She would grab Jesse's kick board and kinda jump off the steps toward me! This little lady even went go-carting with us! She couldn't stop talking about it, especially when we bumped into Daddy and Jesse's cart. She wasn't too excited about the ocean...whenever we went to put our feet in the water, she would put her head down on our shoulder. However, she enjoyed playing in the sand. Whenever telling someone about vacation, she told them about "going under water" and the go-carts.

She loves eating cantaboop (cantaloupe).

In the mountains, she liked putting her feet into the creek. We walked on the rocks in the water. We enjoyed experiencing the bullfrogs scurrying away as we walked near their pond. Julie and Jesse enjoyed the skylift in Gatlinburg and put on a great Indian dance around the campfire (where we cooked hotdogs for dinner).