Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Geez, where does the time go!

We have been on two vacations since I have last posted. We spent a week in the Outer Banks and then just this past weekend, in the mountains. We had a blast at both extremes!

Julie loved the swimming pool at the beach house. She was so confident with herself that she went under water many times...and she loved it! She would grab Jesse's kick board and kinda jump off the steps toward me! This little lady even went go-carting with us! She couldn't stop talking about it, especially when we bumped into Daddy and Jesse's cart. She wasn't too excited about the ocean...whenever we went to put our feet in the water, she would put her head down on our shoulder. However, she enjoyed playing in the sand. Whenever telling someone about vacation, she told them about "going under water" and the go-carts.

She loves eating cantaboop (cantaloupe).

In the mountains, she liked putting her feet into the creek. We walked on the rocks in the water. We enjoyed experiencing the bullfrogs scurrying away as we walked near their pond. Julie and Jesse enjoyed the skylift in Gatlinburg and put on a great Indian dance around the campfire (where we cooked hotdogs for dinner).

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