Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cabbage Patch Dolls take the floor....

Julie has taken to Mommy's CPK dolls!

10/23/11 Otis Lee spent lots of time in Julie’s arms. He came to church, but had to stay in the car. He enjoyed playing on the playset once we got home and even went down the slide! He ate dinner with us. And he also got to fly around the kitchen while Julie was humming the theme from Superman! What a great day for a 28 year old baby doll!!

10/29/2011 Another day with baby. Here's a funny conversation.

Julie: Otis, not nice (talking to doll)
Mommy: Julie, what did Otis do?
Julie: Otis hit me.
Mommy: Otis, it’s not nice to hit people (talking to doll)

Later on in the evening, Otis pooped in his pants. Julie cleaned him up with a wipe. Of course this happened after Julie pooped in her pants :)

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