Saturday, March 31, 2012

My baby isn't such a baby anymore....

After a few nights in a row of Julie coming to sleep on the floor in Mommy and Daddy's room, Mommy bribes Julie to stay in her bed. Oh, the word bribe is not a good word to about "reward" Julie if she stays in her bed? Mommy gives Julie $ for her piggy bank if she stays in bed all night. And when she stays in bed for a straight week, we make a trip to Sweet Spot, the candy store. So far, we've been to the candy store two times... On the nights she doesn't stay in her bed...she tries to convince us that she stayed in her bed by happyily saying "I stayed in my bed!" when her blankets and Cabbage Patch dolls are on the floor next to me!
Good, you didn't!!!

The other night, Julie said something about her “bootie”. I asked her what that was and she turned around and stuck out her butt. Mommy says “Where did you hear that?” Julie says, “Ms. Quin”! Mommy thinks that Ms. Quin is one of those that will never be forgotten!

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