Saturday, June 30, 2012

Girls Rock birthday!

We had such a great time...I think everyone else did too! Happy Birthday girl!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Vacation Bible school...Gayton Baptist

Jesse and Julie both enjoyed a week at vacation Bible school! I am so glad that they love going to this each year! And I love it when they come home with a new cd of songs and know just about all of the words!

Julie celebrated her birthday going to Bible school!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Julie-Boolie turns 3!!

We took Julie to Silver Diner for dinner. Lizzie, Lorelai and Jason joined us. Julie celebrated with her usual...macaroni and cheese!

She absolutely loved it when the wait-staff sang her the birthday song and delivered a very special birthday cream, whipped topping, choc chips and a cherry on top!

It was so genuine when she buried her head into my shoulder and said with the biggest smile, "I am so happy that it's my birthday!"

We hit Claire's and the Sweet Shoppe in the mall on our way home. We got a star magic wand, a Hello Kitty rubber bracelet, and obviously, some candy!

Happy Birthday baby girl!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Red fingernails....

Hotdogs for dinner. Julie must have not been hungry and wasn't eating. She kept herself busy by painting her fingernails with ketchup!!

Gosh, I love her!

Monday, June 25, 2012

The past two to three nights....

Julie has gone to bed with only undies and pajama bottoms on. She is very happy to tell you that she's going to bed like Daddy and Jesse (with no shirt on).

Mommy has to admit here that she remembers the time that she tried to pee standing up...I'm sure it was like Daddy and brother Tom. So, I totally accept what Julie is doing here!

This girl's imagination is running wild too....

There's been a couple of times when Julie has mentioned having a little sister. Mommy kindly smiles and says that it's not happening (at least we hope that it's not gonna happen!) and that there's no plan for another baby.

So, today when I got home from work, Dad and Julie are laying on the bed. Julie has the toy toolbox, and is using a hammer and screw driver on her Daddy's belly. She told him that she was getting her sister out.

We must have done something right....

So lately, Julie hasn't been going down for her daily nap.

I am going to miss this...because sometimes parents just need a "break" to get something done, ya know!?

However, it made me proud 7:50pm, she said that she was ready to go to bed. I immediately stopped what I was doing and started the bedtime routine. There was no crying, no passing GO, no getting out of bed, just a tired girl!

I am glad that she knows when she's tired....

Friday, June 22, 2012

PaPa's chair...

So there's a bit of fun with PaPa's recliner chair. Jesse and Julie both make a big deal out of when they are sitting in their PaPa's chair and he is not. Jesse will run in to tell PaPa that he's sitting in his chair, then run back to actually get in the chair. Julie follows suit and does this same chair fun.

It's really cute....especially when PaPa reacts the way that he does. He makes even a bigger deal out of it than they do!

Thanks to PaPa for being silly with them! It's the little things...that they will remember!

Just like I remember my Daddy (their PaPa) spraying me with air from the air compressor in the shop at the Chappell farm. He would spray it up my shirt and around the neck as he was filling up whatever it was that he was putting air in. It wasn't until I was working in the Raw Materials lab--that I heard a sound that made me remember it!

Friday, June 15, 2012

An anniversary

We got Julie to call Grammy & Bah to wish them a happy anniversary. So, here's what she said when they answered the phone, "Happy Birfdaversary"!

It was absolutely adorable!

Saturday, June 2, 2012