Friday, June 22, 2012

PaPa's chair...

So there's a bit of fun with PaPa's recliner chair. Jesse and Julie both make a big deal out of when they are sitting in their PaPa's chair and he is not. Jesse will run in to tell PaPa that he's sitting in his chair, then run back to actually get in the chair. Julie follows suit and does this same chair fun.

It's really cute....especially when PaPa reacts the way that he does. He makes even a bigger deal out of it than they do!

Thanks to PaPa for being silly with them! It's the little things...that they will remember!

Just like I remember my Daddy (their PaPa) spraying me with air from the air compressor in the shop at the Chappell farm. He would spray it up my shirt and around the neck as he was filling up whatever it was that he was putting air in. It wasn't until I was working in the Raw Materials lab--that I heard a sound that made me remember it!

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