Wednesday, May 9, 2012

:( The first UTI

Julie visited our room several times after she was put to bed. It was around 11pm when Daddy helped her potty and he said that she screamed when the pee came out. My guess was that she has her first urinary tract infection. Luckily, we had just put the guest bed back up, in the room over the garage. She and I camped out…using the sleeping bag and blankets, since there wasn’t sheets on the bed yet. She woke up often (like every time that she moved) complaining about it hurting. She was comforted that I told her that as soon as the sun came up, we were going to the doctor.

Bless her heart, she was such a trooper. With fear of pain and many tears, she peed in that cup (with the nurse’s help of suggesting pouring warm water on her to get it started)…the hard part was over! Once we talked with the doctor, we were off to Target to pick up the prescription, the candy store, and Chic-Fil-A for lunch. We had a delay at the candy store…25 minutes till it opened at 11am. Julie knew what she wanted and she was ok with waiting. She happily picked out her star and fish-shaped candies. Since we didn’t get much sleep, she was ready for her nap soon after we got home…3.5 hour nap. Mommy also slept, 2 of those hours. Things seemed to be a bit better after her nap—saying it only hurt a little when she went to the bathroom.

I thought for sure that we were in the clear. She made it through the day Friday at Minnieland…with a few notes of her crying (a little) when she had to pee. She didn’t seem to be doing so good Friday night because she wasn’t going to the bathroom at all. Finally at 2:30am, she wouldn’t settle down enough to go on the potty, so I put her in the bathtub. She was so uncontrollable, that she let go. Everything was ok after that…back to sleep.

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