Saturday, May 12, 2012

We are making it....

Julie was not happy when I left to take Jesse to soccer and she had to stay home with Daddy. However, she couldn't go anywhere because she was peeing normally. And she didn’t go again until 10:30am. I talked with the doctor and they suggested a few ideas such as a warm bath. She had a long nap in the afternoon. Once she awoke, I gave her the warm bath. She still didn’t pee again until 5:30pm. The doctor called later to let us know that the antibiotics that were given to her were the right ones, just to hang in there and to push the liquids since she was holding off from going.

After some yummy Gatorade, she was peeing every 45 minutes. We had to cancel our Mother’s Day plans with the Chappell’s because we couldn’t take her anywhere like this.

Sunday was a bit better…she was able to go to church with me. We continued to push the liquids and she is not complaining to go anymore. Sigh....

I don't wish this on anyone!!

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