Thursday, December 27, 2012

A new movie...

Julie got Disney's Brave movie for Christmas...for the longest time, she called the movie "Brain".

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sweet Spot withdrawals....

We no longer need the candy store due to having Halloween candy in the house (yes, we still have Halloween candy, but it is running out)!

Sweet girl is happy getting a letter on the board for now! However, Mommy has been thinking about the LEGO candy blocks that is her favorite from the candy shop.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

the backdoor

Rob and I were talking about the backdoor where in the end, I said that we didn’t have the money, at this point, to fix the problem.

Julie piped in saying, “I have money upstairs, you want me to go get it?”

So sweet, honey, but piggy bank money won’t fix this problem! I love you girl!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A relaxing holiday

We had lots of time over the Thanksgiving holiday to goof off around the house. We played Mario Kart, Just Dance Kids (borrowed it from Mrs. Antionette), read library books, built LEGOS, and watched The Wizard of Oz. We even dug out the marble racing towers. The marble toy kept the kids busy for at least 40 minutes---just the two of them were upstairs! Awesome (for me and Daddy watching tv on the couch!)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Sweet girl asked where her brother was when I picked her up, but not him. I responded that the boys went somewhere before coming home. As soon as we walked in the door, she noticed that Jesse had gotten his hair cut. She cried and pretty much kept talking/crying about it, until she talked me into taking her to get one!

She sat so still up there on her princess throne—(just a booster seat at Hair Cuttery) and smiled from ear to ear.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mommy, I traced my foot!

These are the little things that we may forget! Too precious!

Let's potty!

We now have a pink and green potty for Julie's doll house!

A couple days later, Julie finished her plunger/potty candy (I think she ended up spilling the contents of the potty). Anywho, Jesse finished his two plunger lollipops, but still had potty contents remaining. He sweetly asked "Julie, since you finished your potty, can I have your lollipop?"

I find this humor rather disgusting! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Candyland has become a night time ritual when Mommy puts Julie to bed. We usually play with Jesse’s travel size one if we are in the bed. However, if there is plenty of time and we are just playing for fun, we use the normal sized one. We don’t follow the game directions to a “T” but we are pretty close. And Julie is so nice to take turns being the red character if we are using the travel-sized game. And sometimes she allows Mommy be “line-leader” (play first). Mommy is actually enjoying this laid back game.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Yay, for candy!

I think I love this store just as much as they do!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Another trip to the candy store!

Yes, this girl stayed in her bed for 7 days straight! Yeah Julie-boolie!

It's so fun to see you prance into that store and go from jar to jar to get what you worked so hard for!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Boxing match...

In this corner, we have Julie-boolie, weighing in at 31 lbs and stands 37 inches tall. The doctor was pleased that she is potty trained, a good eater, already knew her colors, performed well on the eye testand has no concerns with how mom and dad are raising this young lady!

Check plus for mom and dad!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Annual beach vacation

We had a blast on our trip! Julie warmed up the ocean very quickly. She didn't like that the water came up and down on the shore, however, she didn't mind wearing a life jacket to go out to get "my shoulders wet"!! We spent lots of time in the ocean and the pool. Once, a wave crashed over our heads, and she was sweet to say, "God takes care of us".

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Blueberry picking...

We hit the patch near Uncle Tom's house before leaving for our beach vacation! YUMMY!!! Julie had a blast trying to fill up her bucket.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day---

I'd still kiss that Spiderman popsicle face!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Girls Rock birthday!

We had such a great time...I think everyone else did too! Happy Birthday girl!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Vacation Bible school...Gayton Baptist

Jesse and Julie both enjoyed a week at vacation Bible school! I am so glad that they love going to this each year! And I love it when they come home with a new cd of songs and know just about all of the words!

Julie celebrated her birthday going to Bible school!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Julie-Boolie turns 3!!

We took Julie to Silver Diner for dinner. Lizzie, Lorelai and Jason joined us. Julie celebrated with her usual...macaroni and cheese!

She absolutely loved it when the wait-staff sang her the birthday song and delivered a very special birthday cream, whipped topping, choc chips and a cherry on top!

It was so genuine when she buried her head into my shoulder and said with the biggest smile, "I am so happy that it's my birthday!"

We hit Claire's and the Sweet Shoppe in the mall on our way home. We got a star magic wand, a Hello Kitty rubber bracelet, and obviously, some candy!

Happy Birthday baby girl!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Red fingernails....

Hotdogs for dinner. Julie must have not been hungry and wasn't eating. She kept herself busy by painting her fingernails with ketchup!!

Gosh, I love her!

Monday, June 25, 2012

The past two to three nights....

Julie has gone to bed with only undies and pajama bottoms on. She is very happy to tell you that she's going to bed like Daddy and Jesse (with no shirt on).

Mommy has to admit here that she remembers the time that she tried to pee standing up...I'm sure it was like Daddy and brother Tom. So, I totally accept what Julie is doing here!

This girl's imagination is running wild too....

There's been a couple of times when Julie has mentioned having a little sister. Mommy kindly smiles and says that it's not happening (at least we hope that it's not gonna happen!) and that there's no plan for another baby.

So, today when I got home from work, Dad and Julie are laying on the bed. Julie has the toy toolbox, and is using a hammer and screw driver on her Daddy's belly. She told him that she was getting her sister out.

We must have done something right....

So lately, Julie hasn't been going down for her daily nap.

I am going to miss this...because sometimes parents just need a "break" to get something done, ya know!?

However, it made me proud 7:50pm, she said that she was ready to go to bed. I immediately stopped what I was doing and started the bedtime routine. There was no crying, no passing GO, no getting out of bed, just a tired girl!

I am glad that she knows when she's tired....

Friday, June 22, 2012

PaPa's chair...

So there's a bit of fun with PaPa's recliner chair. Jesse and Julie both make a big deal out of when they are sitting in their PaPa's chair and he is not. Jesse will run in to tell PaPa that he's sitting in his chair, then run back to actually get in the chair. Julie follows suit and does this same chair fun.

It's really cute....especially when PaPa reacts the way that he does. He makes even a bigger deal out of it than they do!

Thanks to PaPa for being silly with them! It's the little things...that they will remember!

Just like I remember my Daddy (their PaPa) spraying me with air from the air compressor in the shop at the Chappell farm. He would spray it up my shirt and around the neck as he was filling up whatever it was that he was putting air in. It wasn't until I was working in the Raw Materials lab--that I heard a sound that made me remember it!

Friday, June 15, 2012

An anniversary

We got Julie to call Grammy & Bah to wish them a happy anniversary. So, here's what she said when they answered the phone, "Happy Birfdaversary"!

It was absolutely adorable!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

A lot of people tell me that they really like Julie's bob hair cut! It's obvious that Mommy likes it because it's so easy and so cute!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A water balloon party

We know how to have fun around my house!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bunny rabbit in the yard...

Julie says that she wants candy when she sees a bunny rabbit in the yard! How cute!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sweet Spot, here we come!

Julie has stayed in her bed all night for two weeks (minus the one night that we slept together for the uti).

Good girl!!

Is that a baby?

So, one of my pregnant friends came over to visit... She and Julie went upstairs for a moment because Julie wanted to show her something. Below is what happened while they were upstairs.
And--to-da! The baby is born!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

We are making it....

Julie was not happy when I left to take Jesse to soccer and she had to stay home with Daddy. However, she couldn't go anywhere because she was peeing normally. And she didn’t go again until 10:30am. I talked with the doctor and they suggested a few ideas such as a warm bath. She had a long nap in the afternoon. Once she awoke, I gave her the warm bath. She still didn’t pee again until 5:30pm. The doctor called later to let us know that the antibiotics that were given to her were the right ones, just to hang in there and to push the liquids since she was holding off from going.

After some yummy Gatorade, she was peeing every 45 minutes. We had to cancel our Mother’s Day plans with the Chappell’s because we couldn’t take her anywhere like this.

Sunday was a bit better…she was able to go to church with me. We continued to push the liquids and she is not complaining to go anymore. Sigh....

I don't wish this on anyone!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

:( The first UTI

Julie visited our room several times after she was put to bed. It was around 11pm when Daddy helped her potty and he said that she screamed when the pee came out. My guess was that she has her first urinary tract infection. Luckily, we had just put the guest bed back up, in the room over the garage. She and I camped out…using the sleeping bag and blankets, since there wasn’t sheets on the bed yet. She woke up often (like every time that she moved) complaining about it hurting. She was comforted that I told her that as soon as the sun came up, we were going to the doctor.

Bless her heart, she was such a trooper. With fear of pain and many tears, she peed in that cup (with the nurse’s help of suggesting pouring warm water on her to get it started)…the hard part was over! Once we talked with the doctor, we were off to Target to pick up the prescription, the candy store, and Chic-Fil-A for lunch. We had a delay at the candy store…25 minutes till it opened at 11am. Julie knew what she wanted and she was ok with waiting. She happily picked out her star and fish-shaped candies. Since we didn’t get much sleep, she was ready for her nap soon after we got home…3.5 hour nap. Mommy also slept, 2 of those hours. Things seemed to be a bit better after her nap—saying it only hurt a little when she went to the bathroom.

I thought for sure that we were in the clear. She made it through the day Friday at Minnieland…with a few notes of her crying (a little) when she had to pee. She didn’t seem to be doing so good Friday night because she wasn’t going to the bathroom at all. Finally at 2:30am, she wouldn’t settle down enough to go on the potty, so I put her in the bathtub. She was so uncontrollable, that she let go. Everything was ok after that…back to sleep.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pig Latin...from a 2 year old

So whenever anyone uses the word stupid, Julie chimes in with "who you callin' upidste”. She has no idea what this means, but she heard us quoting lines from the Lion King movie...and she remembers it!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mommy was a bit sad....

But it didn't last long!

Daddy went to New York for the spring band trip...and brought home a really nice Teddy Bear from FAO Swartz. The bear immediately became a favorite of Julie's. He was taken around for a few days...and poor Otis and Winnie were left in bed or her room all day. 4 days later, Julie struggles into the kitchen carrying Teddy Bear, Winnie, and Otis.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cd for the car....

Jesse, Julie and I have been jammin' to Bieber's "Baby" for quite some time now! Julie certainly looks up to her big brother and sometimes asks for songs that he likes. On the way home from Ainsley's birthday party, Julie was singing along to M. Jackson's "Beat It". Mommy liked this!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

She's picked up something from me...

When I ask the kids a question, I want a "Yes" or "No" answer, not a head shake, nod, or mouth closed noise as an answer. As Daddy says, Mommy agrees that sometimes she can't hear too well...hence the reason I want a straight up answer.

So, recently,I started asking questions like this, "Do you want milk, yes or no?" When Julie asks questions, she adds the "yes or no" behind it!! Too funny!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Thanks bunny....

And she had fun at mommy's egg hunt!!